Лучшие фотографии дикой природы за 2019 год — выбор зрителей

Лондонский музей естествознания ежегодно отбирает лучшие фотографии дикой природы. Приз зрительских симпатий завоевал снимок двух мышей, дерущихся за еду, и еще четыре отличных кадра с животными.

Лондонский музей естествознания ежегодно проводит премию Wildlife Photographer of the Year, в которой участвуют лучшие фотографы со всего мира. Финалистов основной премии определили еще осенью, а теперь свой выбор сделали зрители.


Главный приз LUMIX People's Choice Award достался британскому автору Сэм Роули за снимок мышей, дерущихся в лондонском метро за еду.

Дерущиеся мыши
Победитель: драка двух мышей в лондонской подземке
Sam Rowley/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year/NHM

Высокую оценку получили еще четыре снимка.

The Surrogate Mother by Martin Buzora, CanadaElias Mugambi is a ranger at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in northern Kenya. He often spends weeks away from his family caring for orphaned black rhinos, such as Kitui (pictured). The young rhinos are in the sanctuary as a result of poaching or because their mothers are blind and cannot care for them safely in the wildPhotograph: Martin Buzora/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year/NHM
«Суррогатная мать», автор — Мартин Бузора, Канада. На снимке запечатлен рейнджер из кенийского зоопарка, который в свободное время ухаживает за черным носорогом-сиротой
Martin Buzora/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year/NHM
Spot the Reindeer by Francis De Andrés, SpainThe conditions for photographing in Svalbard, the Norwegian archipelago, are extreme but wildlife has adapted to the environment and its freezing temperatures. De Andrés found this composition of white arctic reindeer, which were observing him, curious and charming.Photograph: Francis De Andres/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year/NHM
«Найди северного оленя», фотография Франсиса де Андре, Испания. Снимок сделан на одном из островов архипелага Шпицберген, известного своим суровым климатом
Francis De Andres/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year/NHM
Matching Outfits by Michel Zoghzoghi, LebanonZoghzoghi was in the Pantanal, Brazil, photographing jaguars. One afternoon, as he was on the Três Irmãos River, a mother and her cub crossed in front of his boat. He watched mesmerised as they left the water holding an anaconda with a very similar pattern to their ownPhotograph: Michel Zoghzoghi/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year/NHM
«Сочетающиеся принты»: ливанский фотограф Мишель Зогзоги запечатлел ягуара и его детеныша, вытаскивающих из воды анаконду
Michel Zoghzoghi/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year/NHM
Losing the Fight by Aaron Gekoski, UKOrangutans have been used in degrading performances at Safari World in Bangkok – and many other locations – for decades. The shows were stopped temporarily in 2004 after international pressure. However the shows have since resumed – twice a day, every day – with hundreds of people paying to watch the orangutans box, dance, play the drums and morePhotograph: Damon Copeland/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year/NHM
«Проигрывая битву», автор Аарон Бекоски, Великобритания. В Таиланде до сих пор существует практика использования диких животных для шоу — люди платят за то, чтобы посмотреть, как орангутаны танцуют, играют на барабанах и так далее
Damon Copeland/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year/NHM

Правила жизни отобрал еще 5 снимков из 25, попавших в лонг-лист премии.

Beak to Beak by Claudio Contreras Koob (Mexico)Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve in the state of Yucatán is home to Mexico’s largest flock of Caribbean flamingos. This chick, which is less than five days old, will stay in its nest for another day or so before it joins a crèche of other baby birds that wander around the colony searching for foodPhotograph: Caludio Contreras Koob/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Карибские фламинго в объективе мексиканского фотографа Клаудио Контрераса Кооба
Caludio Contreras Koob/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Teamwork by Jake Davis (US)Davis was on a boat off the coast of the Great Bear rainforest in British Columbia, Canada, where he watched humpback whales bubble-net feeding. Here the leader whale dives to locate the fish, then the rest of the pod swim in decreasing circles while blowing bubbles, which create a net and trap the fishPhotograph: Jake Davis/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Автор снимка — Джейк Дэвис (США). Фотография сделана во время дождя в Британской Колумбии, Канада. Кит ныряет за добычей
Jake Davis/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
The Unwelcome Visitor by Salvador Colvée Nebot, (Spain)Over several months, Colvée Nebot watched various bird species use the dead flower spike of the agave in Valencia, Spain, as a perch before descending to a small pond to drink. A pair of common kestrels were frequent visitors though each time they came magpies would hassle themPhotograph: Salvador Colvée Nebot/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Пустельга сидит на ветке мертвого дерева в Валенсии, а сорока нарушает ее покой. Автор снимка — испанский фотограф Сальвадор Колве Небо
Salvador Colvée Nebot/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Winter’s Tale by Valeriy Maleev (Russia)Maleev spotted this Pallas’s cat while it was hunting in the Mongolian grasslands. It was bitterly cold day but the fairytale scene cancelled out the cold. Pallas’s cats are no bigger than a domestic cat and they stalk small rodents, birds and occasionally insectsPhotograph: Valeriy Maleev/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Российский фотограф Валерий Малеев сфотографировал манула во время охоты в Монголии
Valeriy Maleev/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Ocean’s Signature by Angel Fitor (Spain)Fitor took this image in the waters off of Alicante, Spain. Immersed in a strong current, an otherwise slightly undulating salp chain twists and turns, forming whimsical shapes. Salps move by contracting, which pumps water through their gelatinous bodiesPhotograph: Angel M Fitor/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Сальпы — небольшие морские животные, которые могут образовывать вот такие причудливые цепочки-узоры более метра в длину. Снимок сделан в водах Аликанте, Испания. Автор снимка — испанский фотограф Анхель Фитор
Angel M Fitor/2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year