15 лучших фотографий, снятых с дрона. Победители конкурса Drone Photo Awards 2021

В середине сентября подвели итоги конкурса фотографий, снятых с помощью беспилотника, Drone Photo Awards 2021. Правила жизни показывает кадры лауреатов.
Melting Ice Cap | Nature CommendedIn summer 2020, Svalbard archipelago broke meteorological records when the air temperature suddenly reached 21.7ºC. This image brings evidence of the amount of fresh water falling from the melting Austfonna ice cap into the sea. The average air temperature in Svalbard has risen by 3-5°C over the past 50 yearsPhotograph: Florian Ledoux/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Река Зохре. Искусственное цветное инфракрасное изображение реки Зохре, впадающей в Персидский залив на юге Ирана.
Jon Bowles/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Skimboarding at the Wedge | Sport CommendedThe Wedge is a spot in Newport Beach, California, known for its large wedge shaped waves that make it a popular spot for surfers and Skimboarding – a sport in which a skimboard is used to glide across the water’s surface to meet an incoming breaking wave, and ride it back to shore. Wave-riding skimboarders perform a variety of surface and air manoeuvres, at various stages of their ride, out to, and back with, the wavePhotograph: Sagi Roitfarb/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Скимбординг на Клине — месте в Ньюпорт-Бич, Калифорния, известном высокими волнами в форме клина, ято и привлекает серферов и скимбордистов.
Sagi Roitfarb/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Sheep in Congress | Wildlife Commended’In the north of Israel, I documented during summer and winter a herd of 1,500 sheep which became more than 1,900 heads. I followed them when they moved from one location to another mainly for searching for fresh grass but also for preparing to give birth and cut their wool’Photograph: Yoel Robert Assiag/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Конгресс овец. Стадо овец на водопое на севере Израиля.
Yoel Robert Assiag/Drone Photography Awards 2021
No Stress | Abstract CommendedA lone dog naps on the beach near the parasolsPhotograph: Zsolt Dor/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Никакого стресса. Собака отдыхает среди пляжных зонтиков.
Zsolt Dor/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Ido Meirovich/Drone Photography Awards 2021
«Не туда, приятель». Велосипедист едет в противоположном направления во время велогонки Big Easy в Хокс-Бей, Новая Зеландия.
John Cowpland/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Caleidoscopio | Abstract Runner UpThis shot was inspired by the colourful patterns of the Navajo people of the south-western US. The colours of the containers and the diagonals created by the play of light and shadow create an interesting patternPhotograph: Paolo Crocetta/Drone Photography Awards 2021
«Калейдоскоп». Снимок вдохновлен национальными узорами народа навахо, проживающего на юго-западе США.
Paolo Crocetta/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Dusk at Rohingya Refugee Camp | Urban CommendedKutupalong refugee camp is the world’s largest refugee camp. It is in Ukhia, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, and is inhabited by Rohingya refugees who fled from persecution in neighbouring Myanmar. Millions of Rohingya refugees live here in huts and tentsPhotograph: Azim Khan Ronnie/Drone Photography Awards 2021
«Сумерки в лагере беженцев рохинджа». Лагерь Кутупалонг — крупнейший лагерь беженцев в мире — расположен в Ухии, Кокс-Базар, Бангладеш, и населен миллионами беженцев этнической группы рохинджа, бежавшими от преследований из соседней Мьянмы.
Azim Khan Ronnie/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Melting Ice Cap | Nature CommendedIn summer 2020, Svalbard archipelago broke meteorological records when the air temperature suddenly reached 21.7ºC. This image brings evidence of the amount of fresh water falling from the melting Austfonna ice cap into the sea. The average air temperature in Svalbard has risen by 3-5°C over the past 50 yearsPhotograph: Florian Ledoux/Drone Photography Awards 2021
«Тающий ледник». Летом 2020 года температура воздуха на архипелаге Шпицберген достигла рекордных 21,7ºC. На снимке запечатлена пресная вода, стекающая в море вследствие таяния ледяного покрова. Средняя температура воздуха на Шпицбергене за последние 50 лет повысилась на 3−5 °C.
Florian Ledoux/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Four Seasons | Urban CommendedA lonely chapel in the middle of a field shot in the four seasons. This is the fifth in this series. A tractor is working the fieldPhotograph: Ovi D. Pop/Drone Photography Awards 2021
«Времена года». Одинокая часовня посреди поля, снятого в четырех временах года.
Ovi D. Pop/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Floating People | People CommendedPeople in inner-tubes attend a concert on a floating stagePhotograph: Raf Willems/Drone Photography Awards 2021
«Люди в лодках». Публика концерта на воде.
Raf Willems/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Poisoned River | Abstract WinnerA detailed photograph of a stream filled with poison. ‘Poisoned Beauty’ is a personal project that tells the story of the natural disaster in the Apuseni Mountains in Transylvania, which was a result of chemical waste generated by copper and gold mining, but in a beautifully abstract wayPhotograph: Gheorghe Popa/Drone Photography Awards 2021
«Отравленная река». Фото ручья в Западных Румынских горах, загрязненного из-за скопления отходов от добычи меди и золота.
Gheorghe Popa/Drone Photography Awards 2021
A Still Point in Time | Wildlife CommendedA flock of greater flamingo wades through the obsidian brine pans south of Walvis Bay, Namibia, with the grace of ballerinas. This image was taken hand-held from a fixed-wing aircraft. Flamingo are sensitive to noise and vibration and normally take to flight when disturbedPhotograph: Jay Roode/Drone Photography Awards 2021
«Остановка времени». Стая больших фламинго пробирается через обсидиановые рассольные бассейны к югу от Уолфиш-Бей в Намибии.
Jay Roode/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Shark Companion | Sport CommendedA lone kayaker is escorted by a group of sharks. Every year from December to April, a school of dusky sharks arrives to the area near the Hadera power station in Israel. The warm waters around the station attract fish and their predators – which in turn attract kayakers, scuba divers and swimmersPhotograph: Ido Meirovich/Drone Photography Awards 2021
«Акула-напарник». Теплые воды возле Хадерской электростанции в Израиле привлекают рыб, рыбы — хищников, а те, в свою очередь, — каякеров, аквалангистов и пловцов.
Ido Meirovich/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Cascate del Mulino | People CommendedTourists in the natural thermal pools in Saturnia, Tuscany, northern Italy, each one assuming a different position of relaxationPhotograph: Christian Gatti/Drone Photography Awards 2021
«Каскате дель Мулино». Туристы отдыхают в природных термальных бассейнах в Сатурнии, Тоскана, северная Италия.
Christian Gatti/Drone Photography Awards 2021
Wild Night in the Adriatic| Nature CommendedStari Grad, on Hvar Island, with fork lightning and a waterspout on the open seaPhotograph: Miroslav Zadravec/Drone Photography Awards 2021
«Дикая ночь на Адриатике». Вид из города Стари Град, на острове Хвар, на молнию и водяной смерч в открытом море.
Miroslav Zadravec/Drone Photography Awards 2021